Time To Sell Your Site/Blog? Here's Some Pointers...

So you have come to the conclusion that its time to sell your website/blog but you dont know what steps to take? Well here's some tips...

Get Your Site In Shape

This step must be one of the most import as if your site isn't up to scratch it wouldn't appeal to buyers. What buyers will be looking for are visuals, content and gadgets i.e video tools, comment boxes and interactive widgets.

Release a document

This step would be your selling point. It should consist of traffic reports, so the buyer can see how the site has grown over time and whether your audience continue to return.  Your revenue would be the most import as no one will buy for nothing.

Buyers would also want to know your expenses, how much do you spend maintaining your site... Hosting, content and yearly domain name.

Do you have social network accounts? Buyers would want to know how many followers you have as i have previously stated social networks are great advertising tools.

Where to list your site?

Finally you would have to list your site on selling websites such as Flippa, websitebroker or buysellwebsites.

I hope this information helps you sell your site. Good Luck!

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